Pricing for Online Therapy

Assessment, Treatment and class options:

  • Telephone assessment with diagnosis, advice and guidance. Accompanied by an emailed diagnosis, home exercise program and further advice and guidance. Screening and signposting if required. (£35).
  • If you would prefer a video call, this gives a more in depth assessment and greater feedback, including exercise demonstrations, visual instruction and guidance. Accompanied by an emailed diagnosis, home exercise program, video demonstrations where required and further advice and guidance. Screening and signposting if required


  • On going one to one treatment, therapy or rehabilitation sessions by phone or email. We monitor your progress by following up with a weekly email or call to gain feedback on how you are progressing. We then re-assess and make any necessary changes and adaptions to your home exercise plan. Once again continuing to give support, advice and guidance. Accompanied by further home exercise programs. Screening and signposting if required.



  • If you would prefer your one to one follow up treatment, therapy or rehabilitation session by a video call, which again gives a more in depth update and greater feedback, including exercise demonstrations, visual instruction and guidance. Unfortunately due to the administration involved and how time consuming online therapy is, the cost is slightly higher. Once again accompanied by an emailed diagnosis, home exercise program, video demonstrations where required and further advice and guidance. Screening and signposting if required 




Unfortunately payments will need to be made prior to booking your appointment or class.


Payment can be made via email or your mobile..


When making your booking, a link will be sent to you for payment, this is secure through Sum Up. A receipt can be sent straight back via email or text.